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How mediation
works for you.

Saving you headaches and
thousands of dollars

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Divorce Mediation

10:00 - 11:00


11:00 - 2:00

+3 events

No worries

Mediation brings relief.

Here's how it works

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How Classic Mediation can help

Divorce doesn't have to take a lot of time, money, or even be stressful. The process can and should run smoothly.

The most important things in life: your kids and family, your assets such as your home and car, are things you want to protect. But a lot of times, the divorce process is expensive and confusing. In some ways, it's designed that way. Attorneys make a lot of money from divorce, and the more contested, the higher the fees. When you are going through a divorce, it can feel like the world is falling around you, the future is uncertain and nothing seems like it's stable. Wouldn't it be nice to have a guide that doesn't just see you as a dollar sign, but as a person with hopes and dreams and a gratifying future?

It all can feel overwhelming, but there is a way through.

My name is James Cotter, and I have over twenty years of mediation experience. I can help navigate parties through the white water rapids of the legal system when it comes to family law and divorce mediation. I can help keep costs down for you and find the solutions that are right for you and your family. Give me a call today at (920) 475-3995.

  • We have over 20 years of experience
  • We value client-focused care above all else
  • Your solutions are specific to you
  • Open and honest communication from start to finish
  • We'll guide you every step of the way

Frequently Asked Questions

What is divorce mediation?

Divorce mediation is a process where a neutral third party helps couples negotiate and reach agreements on various aspects of their divorce, including child custody and property division.

How long does divorce mediation process take?

The duration of mediation depends on the complexity of the issues and the willingness of the parties to cooperate. It can take anywhere from a few sessions to several months.

Is divorce mediation legally binding?

Agreements reached in mediation are not automatically legally binding. However, they can be turned into a legally binding document by submitting the agreement to a court.

What happens if mediation fails?

If mediation fails, the couple may need to proceed to litigation, where a judge will make decisions on the unresolved issues.

Do I need a lawyer during mediation?

While it's not required, having a lawyer during mediation can help you understand your rights and ensure that the agreement is fair and in your best interest.

How much does divorce mediation cost?

The cost of mediation varies but is generally less expensive than going to court. The total cost depends on the mediator's fees and the number of sessions required.

Can mediation help with child custody?

Yes, mediation can be particularly useful in resolving child custody issues. It allows parents to create a parenting plan that suits the needs of the entire family.

Is mediation confidential?

Yes, mediation is a confidential process. The discussions that take place during mediation cannot be used as evidence in court.

What is the role of the mediator?

The mediator's role is to facilitate discussions, help the couple identify issues, and guide them towards a mutually acceptable agreement. The mediator does not make decisions for the couple.

Can we mediate if we don't agree on everything?

Yes, mediation can still be effective even if there are areas of disagreement. The mediator will help you work through the issues to find common ground.

A man and a woman shaking hands.